habitat loss, elephants must be in conflict
Conflict between human and elephant is one of the social conflicts that can harm both parties. Both in terms of social life and human economy or the population of the Sumatran elephant itself.

patrol By. Apri Marizal
Sumatran elephants have a very wide range of ranges between 32.4km2 – 166.9km2. The Sumatran elephant is one of the remaining elephant speies on earth with a poor record because of its very small population, due to the transfer of land functions that do not favor their existence. As happened in one of the ecosystems in the province of Riau, Indonesia, Giam Siak Kecil is one of the 5 ecosystems in Riau and plays an important role with the balance of the environment in Riau itself. And in it there are 1 of 8 bags of elephants left in Riau itself.
Conflict within the elephant enclave that has been converted into Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) and settlement leads to declining population and also narrowing the existing elephant corridor, starting from the construction of an elephant canal by one company causing the elephant to turn to taking a path that is usually passed by and meeting with the settlement. March 11, 2018 and as many as 30 elephants enter the company’s HTI territory and directly adjacent to the settlement in the village of Koto Pait Beringin, Talang Muandau Subdistrict. And on 26 – 27 March 2018 the elephant group continues to move and enter the territory of the village Kalimunting which is still in the ecosystem giam siak small, Syafrinaldi patrol team Rimba Satwa Foundation (RSF) said the elephant group is estimated to number 15 tails in the afternoon at 18:45 pm. And had time to eat the garden owned by residents consisting of banana plants and also oil palm, Which is a type of food that is loved by elephants.

Mitigation Conflict By. Apri Marizal
Together with the team of Riau Natural Resource Conservation Center (BKSDA), the head of RT, Masayrakat Peduli Api (MPA), and the residents of RSF Patrol Team which amounted to 4 people apply conflict management to reduce the number of losses received by the community at once until the morning before. With the implementation of conflict management, the Patrol team was able to accelerate the movement of elephant groupstowards the HTI and leave the village. Zulhusni Syukri Director of RSF said “Elephant corridor is absolutely necessary, because with the corridor can help reduce the number of conflict that exist between human and also Sumatran elephant” he said.