The Foundation For A Sustainable Protection

Rimba Satwa Foundation

NO.AHU-0019884.AH.01.04. SINCE 2016

We are the ones who have compassion for animals, compassion evoked a wish to preserve and protect them from human treatment that caused the lives of animals are endangered life is not worth even death is not normal. With all our efforts to collect power from the people who love animals, or people who previously did not like animals, with continuous education until she love animals and take care of her.

With a basic love of animals, the container is born and named RIMBA SATWA FOUNDATION with a clear vision and mission are:

  1. Preservation of wildlife habitat (elephant) from the threats that exist to make a “ranger team” assigned to patrol the area of wildlife habitat to remove snares, poisons and ensure animals (elephant) in a safe condition.
  2. Because of hunting and wildlife trade is a fatal threat to the life of animals. we declare war against poaching and illegal wildlife trade.
  3. To educate the next generation, to preserve the forest as a wildlife habitat.
  4. Influencing government policy for nature conservation in balance with development.

Habitat Preservation


Conservation of wildlife habitat by replanting plants that are loved by wildlife in the forest. This habitat development activity is a long-term project

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Environmental Education

Bring the Future of Nature

Developing individuals to be aware and care about the environment and committed to preventing and solving environmental problems that arise.

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Conflict Mitigation

Early Warning

Training in the causes of wild sawa conflict with humans for the preservation of the next living creature. 

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Meet The Team

Zulhusni Syukri
Programme Director

The founder of this foundation has also served as Programme Direktor since 2016. Prior to founding the foundation, he was active in the field of conservation and was also a senior journalist in various media.

Finance Officer

Manage everything about the finances involved in conservation planning as well as programs carried out at the Rimba Satwa foundation and make settlement reports on the implementation of activities

Git Fernando
GIS And Data Analiyst

The role of GIS is spatial planning for the programs carried out by the RSF. Spatial planning uses participatory resource analysis, mapping using drones, and the Smart Patrol database

Ari Septiawan
IT and Spatial Planning

As a technician in RSF who is responsible for all matters related to technology and oversees the SMART Patrol strategy, including work plans, patrol routes, evaluation, for patrol progress.

Ridho Illahi
Eco tourism Coordinator

Introducing to the public about creative eco tourism and education with environmental insight to preserve nature in order to remain sustainable. He actively participates in nature conservation campaigns

Bobi Mistoni
Public Relations Coordinator

Has a role in creating a good image of the organization, communicating all forms of information about the organization both to the public, clients or funders.

Ravy Farasta
Habitat Development Team

Conserving nature by conducting long-term habitat development activities for the greening of the earth for the future with loved ones

Rozy Saputra
Team Leader SMART Patrol

Manage the SMART Patrol Team consisting of forestry police, RSF staff, and communities to carry out patrols and monitoring of wildlife

M. Raafi Hardanu
Public Administration

Manage the administration of the Rimba Satwa Foundation according to procedures with quality public services.

Wildlife Protection Coordinator

Protection endangered wildlife with innovative conservation programs with local wisdom for a better life.

Donor & Partner


Let us together repair what we are broke.

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