Project Info
Project Description
Programme: Efforts to Protect the Population and Habitat of Sumatran Elephants in Giam Siak Kecil by Utilizing Technological Development and Community Participation.
Landscape Area: Giam Siak Kecil Bukit Batu & Balairaja
Number of villages: 10
Detail of locations: Koto Pait Beringin, Beringin, Tasik Serai, Tasik Serai Timur, Melibur, Seraing Wangi, and Balairaja Village in Talang Muandau District, Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province
Period: 01-Jul-2019 to 31-Dec-2019
Logical Frame Analysis
Reduced level of conflict and no casualties between human and wildlife, especially Sumatran elephants, through the application of technology and community participation
1. OUTCOME #1 – The Level of Conflict between Humans and Elephants Reduced through Mitigation Efforts
- Program 1.1 – [Proteksi] Efforts in mitigating elephant conflict through patrols and community capacity building
- Program 1.2 – [Proteksi] Wildlife-friendly technology-based conflict mitigation facilities and equipment managed by the local community
2. OUTCOME #2 – Villagers surrounding the forest area understand the importance of forest protection and preservation since early age
- Program 2.1 – [Pendidikan Konservasi] Carry out conservation education to schools in the intervention villages
1. Program 1.1. Proteksi – Efforts in mitigating elephant conflict through patrols and community capacity building.
- Activities 1.1.1. Routine Patrol in 9 intervention villages.
- Activities 1.1.2. Facilitation of barrier area through the development of lemon seedlings for the conflict mitigation team
2. Program 1.2. Proteksi – Wildlife-friendly technology-based conflict mitigation facilities and equipment managed by the local community.
- Activities 1.2.1. Construction of wildlife monitoring tower
3. Program 2.1. Pendidikan Konservasi – Carry out conservation education to schools in the intervention villages.
- Activities 2.1.1. Survey and build agreements for education awareness activity to the targeted schools
- Activities 2.1.2. Conservation Goes to School (Elephant education)
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