Project Info
Project Description
Programme: Efforts to Protect Sumatran Tiger Habitat through Mitigation and Stakeholder Participation Patrols
Landscape Area: Senepis
Number of villages: 11
Detail of locations: Jumrah Village and Rimba Melintang Village in Rimba Melintang District, Rokan Hilir Regency, and Basilam Baru Village and Batu Teritip Village in Sungai Sembilan District, Dumai Regency, Riau Province
Period: 01-Aug-2019 to 31-Jan-2020
Logical Frame Analysis
Reduced levels of conflict between humans and Sumatran tigers along with threats to Sumatran tigers and their habitat
1. OUTCOME #1 – The level of conflict between humans and tigers is reduced through mitigation patrol efforts
- Program 1.1 – [Proteksi] Efforts in monitoring and securing Sumatran tiger habitat through mitigation Patrol
- Program 1.2 – [Pendidikan Konservasi] Carry out conservation education to schools in the intervention villages
1. Program 1.1. Proteksi – Efforts in monitoring and securing Sumatran tiger habitat through mitigation Patrol.
- Activities 1.1.1. Routine patrol in 11 villages and surrounding companies (PT RUJ, PT SGP, PT SGP, PT upstream DRT).
2. Program 1.2. Pendidikan Konservasi – Carry out conservation education to schools in the intervention villages
- Activities 1.2.1. Survey and build agreements for education awareness activity to the targeted schools.
- Activities 1.2.2. Conservation Goes to School (Tiger education).
Efforts to Protect Sumatran Tiger Habitat through Mitigation and Stakeholder Participation Patrols
1. Program 1.1. Proteksi
- Activities 1.1.1. Routine patrol in 11 villages and surrounding companies (PT RUJ, PT SGP, PT SGP, PT upstream DRT)