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concern for the forest

Forests are a very important part of life on earth, providing a source of life for humans and the diverse species that live in the expanse of the Earth’s land, do not be surprised if it says forest as the foundation of biodiversity on earth.

Various forest products into human needs of both wood and non-wood used by humans as a source of life.

Along with the rapid economic growth and population of the earth, the rate of forest-based requirements also increased and were not well coordinated so as cause massive destruction in the forest itself. As a concrete example is the wildlife reserve areas Balairaja, in Bengkalis district of Riau province.

SM Balairaja defined region of 18.000 hectares now in name, almost 100 percent of fellow asylum has been converted into oil palm plantations.

The transformation of BC Balairaja habitat loss diverse wildlife therein, one species endemic to the island of Sumatra, namely the Sumatran elephant (elhepanus sumateranus).
Compelled by such conditions, the two organizations based in the city of Thorns committed unifying vision and mission and sincere sweat and minds to preserve the remaining forests in the city of Duri Bengkalis,

Saturday-Sunday March 25-26, 2017, to commemorate the Forest Internasioanal which falls on 21 March, a number of management and members of RSF and PEKAT IB undertake reforestation programs in the jungle along the dike pudu Talang in the village. preparation of activities starting from Saturday, starting with the procurement of seedlings, manufacture hole and camping together in the forest.

Hundreds of seeds successfully grown and is expected to grow well with controlling and continuous care.

Zulhusni syukri, RSF leader said “we very much hope that this activity and collaborate with a large institution in Indonesia could encourage public awareness of the importance of conserving Duri remaining forests as viable habitat for Sumatran elephants landscape Balairaja”

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