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Duri – Sumatran tiger (Panthera Trigis Sumaterae) is one of Sumatran endemic animals still alive in Riau Forest Ecosystem. whose existence is now threatened with extinction due to the many aspects underlying the extinction of the king of the jungle of Sumatra, one of which is Forest Degradation which resulted in reduced range of roaming, protected areas and also the amount of food needed therein, thus contributing to the death of Sumatran tiger naturally as well as death Sumatran tiger based on wild hunting due to the great opportunity of the Forest Degradation.
The case of human tribal capture by the Tigers in Indragiri Hilir (Inhil) (3/1/2018) is a portrait of the destruction of forest ecosystems in Riau, which makes the intensity of intersection between the two sides of Man and animals can not be denied. And the casualties of both sides are part of the domino effect on the destruction of forest ecosystems. Both humans and animals in these conditions are equally disadvantaged, but basically the greatest disadvantage impacts the life in the forest, where the overall balance will be very disturbed by the existence of Forest Degradation that occurred.
Zulhusni Syukri Director of Rimba Satwa Foundation explains that basically tigers and other animals always avoid meeting with humans. He also said “but because of the X factor of the meeting and the interconnection between the two is unavoidable, and one of the factor X is the overlapping of interests between human and animal in the region and the casualties are inevitable,” he said.
With the occurrence of this case, adding a row of portraits of the domino effect caused by the Degradation of Forest Ecosystem, which should be a protected area for the animals that are in it. The decline in the number of conflicts and the deaths of animals as well as human casualties in the previous year is a reference that can be used to measure and trace what is going on with the remaining forest ecosystems, will these narrowed forest ecosystems be lost ?, and cause extinct animals in slowly or even make animals directly adjacent to humans and will increase the number of Conflict.

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Based on data that has been collected and received by BBKSDA Riau stated that the number of Sumatran Tiger is only around 300 – 400 tail only, while for Riau only recorded as many as 192 tail only. “By saving and preserving the remaining Forest Ecosystems, we should still be able to save the life of the animals in it along with our own salvation”, added Zulhusni Syukri.