Are we going to be quiet
Indonesia is a country with more internet users in 132 million and 40% of whom are social media enthusiasts. And do we know again social media to show off to its users, as if I never tired and not afraid of the existing law of social media users continue to do things they like.
Including them are to sell wild animals in the protected that should live comfortably in the forest ecosystem, social media into the gate of the sale of animals that are now already beginning to rare. Social media that is easily accessible to everyone makes it the end of these animals.
Starting from the forest cat, golden cat, even to the golden monkey and various birds and Sumatran tiger protected by the Indonesian government and even the world also become victims of irresponsible elements. An animal that should be safely in the forest area should end up in a cage for adoption or dying and become a display.
What can you do ???
We can still fight them, we can still stop them with many things. Stop those who trade, stop sharing the content they post, search for their whereabouts and action with the capture.Let’s unite to stop the hunting and trafficking of existing animals, give the animals a sanctity to live and survive in the remaining ecosystems in Indonesia. We can if we speak out, support us keep trying, help us continue to stop the existing trade.