Protection of Sumatran tigers at Senepis
Sumatran tiger rescue in senepis in its implementation using patrol and monitoring method, of course assisted by various stakeholders. This is done to prevent conflicts between humans and tigers. Communities, governments and companies have agreed to save the Sumatran tiger in Senepis by giving space to the area that will become the habitat and territory for the Sumatran tiger.
This 10,400-hectare protected area is aided by concession areas and “protected areas” aimed at Wildlife and Animals that will provide space for Sumatran tigers provided by companies in the senepis landscape.

The path of the Sumatran tiger crossing
The Indonesian state has a wealth of culture, legends and stories about the Sumatran Tiger (Phantera Tigris Sumatrae).
Since ancient times, ancestors in the land of Batak lived close to the habitat of the tiger, calling him “Opung”, a call to a respected person.
Elsewhere in the land of West Sumatra and Jambi, a tiger called “Datuk” or “Inyiak”, the second call is a call for a person to be respected.

The tiger trail is in a “wildlife refuge” in the area of a company
Similarly Riau, the call “Datuk” or “Mbah” and there are also calls He kana mentioned to the Sumatran Tiger as a form of respect that Sumatran Tiger is the forest ruler and the executor of justice LAW of RIMBA
The Rimba Satwa Foundation supported by the Belantara Foundation builds multistakeholder cooperation such as communities, governments and companies to prevent Human-Tiger Conflict.
Patrols and Monitoring we do together to anticipate the existence of hunted animal hunters, protect the trees that become habitat, and the protection of the area through the Sumatran tiger itself.
“Do not harass plants and wildlife in Senepis so there is no conflict between humans and tigers”

Animal corridors in the company