Elephant Treatment
Still remember with Dita?
Yes, the female elephant was injured on the left front leg
After some time ago treated, Rimba Satwa Foundation (RSF) in cooperation with Natural Resource Conservation Center in Riau Province in collaboration with YTNTN, WWF, HIPAM and VESSWIC perform treatment in balairaja village, riau province

Female Elephant (Dita) is being treated
Elephant treatment conducted on 17 October 2017 at Talang Forest – Balairaja Village, Duri – Riau Province. This elephant treatment requires a process ranging from searching the position of elephants are moved so that the time should start from the morning. After the female elephant (Dita) was found, the team provided the prescribed medicines. Starting from cleaning the body wounds, giving vitamins, and checking the wounds in the legs

Rimba Satwa Foundation helps with treatment
Successful elephant treatment with female elephant results is healthier than before (Treatment in August 2016)
Thank you to have helped in monitoring, elephant care, and habitat development we have been doing so far
Stay with us in support of conservation of elephants and habitats